Aikido with Bushin Dojo

Masters Martial Arts is excited to now offer Aikido classes for ages 13 and up with Bushin Dojo, taught by Sensei Erwin Ricafort.

Sign up for the first class on October 12!


About Sensei Ricafort

Aikido Schools of Ueshibia (ASU) Affiliated Instructor

Our Aikido classes are led by Erwin Ricafort, Yondan. Those training with Ricafort Sensei become part of a martial arts family called Bushin Dojo. Bushin meaning a warrior who is chivalrous. And Dojo meaning a place to study the way of becoming that type of warrior. Bushin Dojo is dedicated to teaching and perpetuating the fundamental philosophy and disciplines of modern budo through the study of aikido. Our goal is to pass on classical martial training from one generation to another. We strive to maintain the art and traditions while applying its principles to modern day combative strategies. .

Erwin Ricafort began his budo training in 1982. His martial arts background includes Tae Kwon Do, Shotokan Karate, Katori Shinto Ryu, and Daito Ryu. He received his first black belt in Shotokan Karate in 1988. In 1991 he began training in Aikido under Kevin Sparkman of Bushin Dojo. With the passing of Kevin Sparkman in 2014, Erwin Ricafort inherited Bushin Dojo and continues its legacy. In 2005 he has also began studying Tenshin Shoden Katori Shinto Ryu under Phil Relnick Sensei. In 2018 Ricafort Sensei began studying with Roy Goldberg, shihan of Kiyamakai Daito Ryu. He still studies under these instructors to this day.

Erwin Ricafort received his yondan from Mitsugi Saotome Shihan, head instructor for the Aikido Schools of Ueshiba. Saotome Sensei was a direct student of the founder of Aikido Morihei Ueshiba. Ricafort Sensei often to attends Aikido seminars and continues training with Mitsugi Saotome. He enjoys studying other various combat related arts expanding his knowledge in weapons and empty hand techniques. He is a dentist in Murfreesboro, TN.